Sunday, November 25, 2018

Assassination Class (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu, 暗殺教室)

This anime follows the lives and studies of class 3-E, the students at a middle school all known for trouble making or not doing well with their studies. While they are all of course in school in order to learn the basics, reading, writing, arithmetic, etc., there is one other objective they are aiming for: the assassination of their school teacher. Now, as alarming as that may sound, it's all fine, as their teacher is a monstrous yellow alien able to move at supersonic speeds. Oh, and he also will destroy the entire earth in one year if they do not succeed. Throughout the series, the characters attempt in ever more creative ways to down their teacher, but even when it seems he's trapped, he always manages to escape. Meanwhile, the students are also being taught by the teacher, who happens to be a fantastic tutor. Overall, the series combines light-hearted humor and the environment of a normal class with the tension that at any moment there could be another attack. Each episode follows one of the students, and you never know what could happen next!

One of the more interesting cultural references I found was the episode on 棒倒し or Bo-taoshi, a sport where the opposing teams attempt to pull down their opposing pole. I had no idea such a sport existed, but now, after watching the episode, I looked up footage of the game in real life, and it looks quite dangerous! yet also fun. I doubt I will ever have a chance to participate in something like that, but I cannot help but find it entertaining to watch!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Weekend of 11/16/18


せんしゅうまつ おどりは あろました。とても にぎやかで とのしかったです。私と 私のひずけ ノートルダムスタジアムに あるきました。おどりは ななかいに ありました。あとで、不眠症クッキーを たべて、学生かいかんに いきました。不眠症クッキーは おもしゅろて、よくて、たのしかったです。

しつれします :)

Monday, November 5, 2018



Today we are learning about differences between Japanese and American homes. There are many interesting similarities and differences. Of course, both have to have "エアコンディショニング or air conditioning, as the weather can be both hot and cold depending on the time of year. On the other hand, as seen in the ビデオ, 日本のうち have rice cookers as standard, while Americans generally don't have anything like that. Diet plays a large role in these differences. I also noticed that unlike あめりかのうち、日本のうち have bidets in their bathroom. That would be very rare here. Overall, it seems American homes are generally much larger and less cozy than traditional 日本のうち, and I hope I get to visit 日本 some day to see for myself!

